Genetic tests that study our reproductive health include fertility studies, preconception studies to prevent transmission of genetic diseases to the offspring and studies during pregnancy to ensure proper development of the future baby.

Our habits are changing, the desire to start a family can be conditioned by our economic or employment situation, that is why more and more couples need to go to a specialist to get a pregnancy. Age or stress are factors that can increase the difficulties in achieving it, however, it may also happen that these problems have a genetic basis.

Many women despite the desire to be mother fail to get pregnant.

This and other warning signs such as having certain menstrual disorders (irregular or absent periods), suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome or endometriosis, may be reasons for consultation when a suspected of infertility.

Fertility problems are equally common among men and women. In men, infertility is often due to low/no count of spermatozoa or reduced sperm motility, which are associated in many cases with a genetic problem.

It is highly recommended to undergo this type of tests if there is a history of a genetic disease in your family, if you have already had an affected child by any genetic condition or if you have had repeat abortions. All of them are usually indicators of presence of a genetic alteration in your DNA.

Reproductive genetic tests not only help to determine the cause of infertility in the couple, but they also allow to know if parents are carriers of variants that cause any genetic disease, thus preventing their transmission to their offspring.

Carriers of a genetic disease do not know they are because they have no symptoms, but if both parents carry a variant for a recessive disease, they have a 25% chance of having an affected child in each pregnancy, and if the carrier is the mother, in X-linked inheritance cases, all male children will be affected and half of the daughters will be carriers.

Pregnancy is a very special stage for prospective parents. There are genetic tests that control the correct development of the fetus and check for possible chromosomal alterations that may cause some syndrome.

Types of reproductive genetic tests


Search for genetic alterations responsible for reproductive problems. These tests allow finding out the genetic causes of infertility in the couple. Once the cause has been identified, we can offer personalized advice so that you know your options for achieving the desired pregnancy.



It analyses the carrier status of the parents and assesses the risk of having children with certain genetic diseases in order to plan the pregnancy reducing the risks.



In couples at high risk of having offspring with genetic alterations, the embryos are analyzed; those that are healthy are selected for implantation by in vitro fertilization, and avoiding the hereditary disease to occur.



In case of abnormal ultrasound findings, this test can detect chromosomal abnormalities responsible for Down syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities that compromise your child’s health before performing more invasive tests.



It complements previous genetic tests by diagnosing genetic diseases in the fetus. Finding out in time will allow you to know the implications of this condition and based on that, make the best informed decisions.


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